NEW MODS FROM: steve45 | lefty2000 | steve45 | Beowulf71 | Beowulf71 | steve45 | Beowulf71 | Beowulf71 | Beowulf71 | lefty2000 | ** TOP 10 MODS: Sci-Fi sxf 4 - 3188 | Mysterio - 2982 | Wild West Backdrops - 2980 | Black & White City Street - 2978 | TM Hogan mod Update - 2970 | Street Fighter Kimono - 2966 | The White House - Press Room - 2961 | Monster Sound Pack - 2955 | TM Medieval Dresses - 2952 | New Werewolf Costume Update - 2949 | ** TOTAL MODS OFFERED: 3763 ** TOTAL MODS SERVED: 10906779
?> Thu November 28, 2013 Happy Thanksgiving 2013!!! by Ozman69

Starting to think that I only remember to post anything here on Thanksgiving Day! I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving!


?> Thu November 24, 2011 Happy Thanksgiving... by Ozman69

Wow! That was some great turkey... what? I've been asleep for how long? Well, I guess it's time to go get some more turkey! Happy Thanksgiving!


?> Thu November 25, 2010 Happy Thanksgiving... by Ozman69

Happy Thanksgiving! Now I must go slip into a turkey coma!


?> Thu November 11, 2010 Happy Veteran's Day... by Ozman69

Happy Veteran's Day! Sorry for the delay. I was too busy taking advantage of all the free stuff they give us veterans on this day!


?> Sun October 31, 2010 Happy Halloween... by Ozman69

Happy Halloween! Celebrate the one time of year that it is not only ok, but encouraged to take candy from strangers!


?> Sun July 04, 2010 Happy 4th of July... by Ozman69

Happy 4th of July to everyone out there! If you don't have a 4th of July in your country, then it is time to get a new calendar!


?> Mon March 22, 2010 Fine... we're staying... by Ozman69

The masses have spoken and I have listened. The bills have been paid for another year and the lights will stay on. So, continue to upload, download, sideload, backwards load... what? I think I lost my train of thought there. Anyways... is good to go for another year! Now, go buy some RiffTrax off the site so I can feed my babies!!!

?> Thu March 11, 2010 To be or not to be... by Ozman69

Remember last year when the site went down on April Fools Day? Wasn't that a funny joke? It wasn't a joke? Oh, yeah. As you probably know, that's the magic day that the site is paid for by me each year. So, as that day nears, do you think the site is still needed? Post your thoughts on our Facebook page, on the forum or send me a PM...Donations help as well...thoughts don't hurt...but money helps more...Where was I going with this?


?> Sun February 14, 2010 Happy Valentines... by Ozman69 wishes you all a Happy Valentines Day! For those of you who are all alone this year, now may be the time for you to lower your standards!


?> Tue January 26, 2010 Is it 2010 yet... by Ozman69 Headquarters (me, my family and the computer I update the site from) has completed it's move to the Miami, Florida area. Sorry for the lack of New Year well wishes, but I spent New Years day starting the 2200 mile drive to our new home. With that said, Happy Late New Years everyone!


?> Fri December 25, 2009 Merry Christmas!!! by Ozman69 wishes you all a Merry Christmas (Happy Christmas for our European visitors). Enjoy this time with your family and friends. If you don't have any family or friends, go rent some for the day!


?> Thu November 26, 2009 Happy Thanksgiving... by Ozman69 would like to wish all of our American visitors a Happy Thanksgiving! And for the rest of you... Happy Thursday!


?> Sat November 07, 2009 8 Eyed Baby on Twitter... by Ozman69

Well, sort of. I have a Twitter page that will double as mine and this sites. I may answer questions about 8 Eyed Baby stuff. I may be rambling on about nothing in particular. I may be asking Pee-wee Herman what the word of the day is. There is no telling what I will be talking about on there but you are more than welcome to follow along if you like.

(aka "Twitt_Eric")

?> Fri October 30, 2009 Happy Halloween... by Ozman69

Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween! Don't eat too much candy!


?> Fri July 24, 2009 8 Eyed Baby on Facebook... by Ozman69

8 Eyed Baby is now on Facebook. If you want to become a fan and help promote the site feel free to do so. You can talk about your latest mod or movie, discuss the latest movie you've watched at the theater or anything else you wish. I may be adding a few things now and again myself. Hope you find it useful.


?> Wed April 01, 2009 Recent Site Outage... by Ozman69

With a heavy heart, I must say that I have decided to close We just surpassed the 1 million download mark and I will be turning the site into an all midget porn theme in the near future. This has always been a dream of mine and I feel it is time to move in this direction.

Thank you to everyone who has visited the site over the years. It has been fun and I'll never forget any of it. And if you believed the above comments, then you are easily misled. April fools!

I wish I could say that it was in fact an April Fools joke, but for some reason GoDaddy didn't auto renew my account even though I had auto renew selected in my account settings. Just paid up for another year and hopefully the site will be restored shortly. However, this could be the last year of the site as their prices have seemed to have climbed and we don't get the donations that we once did. Any continuation of the site beyond the next year will be decided at a later date.

Again, sorry for the site being down and it should return soon (all mods included since only the domain name expired). Being as this is the first time we've ever had any real down time in 3 or 4 years of the site isn't that bad.


?> Fri February 27, 2009 1 Million Downloads... by Ozman69

Thank you to all the continued users of for we have surpassed 1 million downloads!

Who would have thought we would have reached this number when this site began. Keep supporting the sites and who knows what number we will reach in the future.


?> Thu December 04, 2008 So long to TMO... by Ozman69

As most users of TMO know, it was announced a month ago that The Movies Online will no longer provide studio space to its users. (if you missed it, click here.

I saw this coming from a mile away (as I'm sure many others did as well) so it came as no surprise to me. Hopefully it didn't shock too many people out there.

So, does this mean the end of The Movies movies? I don't think so. While the interest may slip further than it has in the past, I believe that there will still be many people using TM to make movies and have fun.

What does this mean for Not a thing. As I've always said, as long as the site is being used it will continue to be there for your use. I'm sure the day will come in the distant future when this site no longer serves a purpose, but I don't see that happening any time soon. So, fear not, we aren't going anywhere. So, keep making those mods and submitting them to the site. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who will still stop by to take advantage of your hard work.

And to Lionhead.... Thanks for a great game and many hours (years) of enjoyment!


?> Tue September 02, 2008 TMO Down Again... by Ozman69

As of this writing, TMO is down again and that slows down the site due to us using the poster code from their servers. Since this seems to be becoming a regular occurrence, I'm removing that code for good. Sorry that I won't be showcasing the TMO movie posters anymore, but it gets a bit annoying to have to be removing and replacing code over and over again.

For the time being, I've replaced the poster area with some advertisements for our new sponsors. I'll change these out every now and then to bring new services that I think might be useful for the community. Right now I've added some from some of our most recent sponsors like,™ UNLIMITED, GameDuell: one of the world's largest gaming communities., and


?> Sun August 24, 2008 Support the Site... by Ozman69

As you may have noticed, we have some new items on the front page of To try to help pay the bills for bandwidth and disk space, I've added links to that provide a small commission to the site when someone uses them to buy their merchandise. There are the banners above and I've installed a new video player below to give you some samples of what is all about. If you were ever a fan of Mystery Science Theater, you'll love

So, if you are in need of a good laugh, use the links to buy some Rifftrax and help support!


?> Wed August 06, 2008 Posters are back... by Ozman69

Since TMO is back up and running, your movie posters can now be displayed on once again. Nothings changed, so if you have a movie poster on TMO it is in the random rotation along with everyone elses.

You may also notice that the movie player is gone on this page and the news is extended to fill to the gap. This is just temporary until I embed some new content.

Also, lots of new games in the arcade with more coming every day. Tournaments coming soon as well. So, start practicing the games if you are interested in participating. Remember, you have to be a member of the 8EyedBaby Forums to play the games.


?> Sun July 27, 2008 New Arcade Installed... by Ozman69

Last night I made several modifications to the 8EyedBaby Arcade with several new features and games. It is still a work in progress, so a few more minor changes have yet to be added. Also, I have a lot of new games that will be added over the coming days. So, if you haven't checked it out yet, click here!

Also, check out the new The Movies Underground for all your movie uploading needs.


?> Sat July 19, 2008 Posters are disabled by Ozman69

No, the site isn't breaking, the random movie posters coding has been removed. With TMO crashing and certain files no longer being available, the script used to display those random movie posters was no longer working.

If/when TMO is restored to all of it's previous glory, I will reinsert the coding required to display the movie posters.


?> Sun July 13, 2008 New Forum... New Features by Ozman69

The forums have been updated with a new look & new features. New security features have been installed to slow down the spambots.

An arcade has been installed with over one hundred games for you to play. High scores are recorded, so take a shot and see if you can become the new champion. You can find the arcade at the top of the forums near the Logout button.

Also, I have removed that annoying Sims video from the front page. Any ideas for what I should put in it's place? Add your ideas on the forum.


?> Tue January 01, 2008 Happy New Year by Ozman69

Another year is upon us and I've heard from a lot of 8 Eyed Baby visitor's on the forum's, private messages, and e-mails about the future of the site. The overwhelming majority wants the site to continue and that's just what will happen.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Keep those mods coming and keep on downloading. We aren't going anywhere.


?> Sat December 22, 2007 Please vote on the future of 8EB... by Ozman69

I need your help on determining if is still needed. If you still use the site or don't (then why are you here), please provide your feedback by clicking click here!


?> Thu March 15, 2007 One year anniversary... by Ozman69

The one year anniversary of is fast approaching. Thank you to all those who have contributed to the site in one way or another over the past year. A few site updates are in the works as soon as I'm able to commit time to them.


?> Sat February 03, 2007 Got Vista? Add 8EyedBaby to your Gadgets! by Ozman69

I've posted a tutorial on the TMO forums for how to add updates to your Microsoft Vista Gadgets Sidebar! If you are interested in this, click here!

?> Fri December 08, 2006 And the winners are... by Ozman69

About two weeks ago, offered all of our UK visitors the chance at winning one of three copies of The Sims 2 for PC. It started out slow and took many reminders, posts, posting on other sites, etc before we even had the first three entries. Then the entries started pouring in.

I took all of those entries, dropped them into a hat and had my daughter draw three out. So, without further ado....

Our winners are:
Adam Green

Congrats to the winners and thank you to all those who entered. Be on the lookout for our next contest, coming in the new year.


?> Thu November 23, 2006 When a free copy of The Sims 2... by Ozman69

Are you from the UK? Do you want a chance at winning a free copy of The Sims 2? If so, then be sure to enter our latest contest by clicking here or the image above!

The contest runs from today (23 November 2006) through December 7th, 2006. So, enter to win now!

Winners will be randomly chosen on or about December 8th, 2006 and will be announced right here!

Good luck to all those who enter!


?> Fri November 10, 2006 A New Machinima Contest Coming Your Way... by Ozman69

That's right, the good folks over at Electronic Arts are hosting The Sims Shorts Film Competition. The overall winner will be chosen by an expert panel, including Perrier award winning comedian Ben Willbond.

Once chosen, the winning Sims Short will be shown throughout December in 58 Vue cinema's across the country alongside some of the biggest Christmas cinema blockbusters.

The winner will also collect a cash prize of £1,000 and will have their Short available for download on Stay tuned for more details and be sure to click on The Sims Shorts Film Competition banner up top.


?> Sun November 05, 2006 Mod names and New Category coming... by Ozman69

When you type in a title for your mods, please keep it short. Don't seperate words with _ or -. Put a few spaces in between words so that the page alignment doesn't get thrown off. So, if you are giving the title for a mod "My New Shirt", then enter it as My New Shirt, not My-New-Shirt. Leaving long strings of text in there like that causes the main page to get all out of wack.

Also, there will soon be a new category on 8EB. This will be dedicated to StarMaker actors. If you want to share your custom actors with others, then you can upload to this new category. In the meantime, feel free to add them under the makeup category. When I add the new category in, I'll manually move them for you.


?> Sun October 15, 2006 Copyright Issues... by Ozman69

Two things today. First thing is, don't upload copyrighted music to this site. They will be removed as soon as I notice. Those who continue to do this will have their accounts banned.

Second issue is, Throwaxe has removed his movie from this weeks hot pick vote because he found out that a song he had in the movie was actually a cover of a copyrighted song. My hat off to him for being responsible enough that when he realized it, he did the right thing and removed the movie. I look forward to a new version of his movie in the future.


?> Sun October 08, 2006 Out Now! by Ozman69

The new Dark Medieval Mod Pack is out now!


?> Sat September 30, 2006 Coming soon... by Ozman69

The next Medieval Modders pack is coming very soon. This pack will consist of Dark mods as voted by the community at TMO. Keep an eye out for this one.


?> Mon September 25, 2006 I'm back making movies... by Ozman69

In case you haven't noticed, I've released a new movie. It is called Irony (30 Seconds of Bliss). So far it's got an above 4 average. If you want to check it out, click here.

?> Sat September 23, 2006 Congrats Corinthian and Family... by Ozman69

Congratulations to Corinthian and his wife on their latest addition to their family. Now you are in the same boat as me man: Three woman in the house. At least I'm not the only one now. MUHAHAHAHA!


?> Sun September 17, 2006 UFM: A different kind of contest from by Ozman69

What is UFM? It's a new kind of contest I'm holding.

What does UFM stand for? Unintentionally Funny Movie

What kind of movie are you looking for? Movies that are meant to be serious or "non-funny", but you either made them so bad or just by chance ended up being so freaking terrible that people can't help but laugh at them.

What kind of movie aren't you looking for? Movies that are good, have well written scripts, were well thought out. Also, I'm not looking for comedies. That kind of defeats the purpose.

What is the prize? Your movie will play on the front page of until I either get tired of it or someone posts a movie that is worse than yours.

Is this screwed up or what? Yes. Yes it is.

How do I enter? Post a link to the movie on TMO. You can either post your own movie or someone elses (unless the TMO moderators decide that isn't a good thing to do) and if you are the movies creator, include what you were trying to get across with the movie and where you think it went horribly wrong.

This contest will continue even if a movie is selected as we are always on the lookout for a new UFM!

luck (I think).


Click the UFM banner to submit your movie!

?> Sat August 26, 2006 6th Week & Grand Prize Winners announced... by Ozman69

The sixth and final weekly winner of the Official The Movies Contest has been announced!

Tunguska - The Director’s Cut by Simon Larner has been selected by a panel of judges as the sixth week’s best entry – and the lucky winner of a personalised director’s chair. In addition, the winning movie is currently being showcased on the contest microsite. To view this masterpiece and the soon-to-be-announced grand prize winners, please visit:

The grand prize winners of the Official The Movies Contest have finally been announced!

Drum roll please...

And the winners are:

Best Use of Stunts and/or Effects: Tunguska - The Director’s Cut by Simon Larner

Best Original Movie: The Missing by JJ Patel

After much deliberation, the grand prize winners have been selected by a panel of judges as the best overall entries in their respective categories. Simon Larner is the lucky winner of a 30 GB video iPod and the Be A Stunt Hero experience courtesy of JJ Patel is the lucky recipient of a movie making experience courtesy of Straight Curve – and his film has a special mention in an article currently live on Guardian Film To view these winners plus all the other weekly winners and honourable mentions from throughout the contest, please visit

Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you again to all those who entered and made this contest a great success. Here’s to The Movies...


?> Fri August 18, 2006 5th winner in Official TMO contest... by Ozman69

The fifth weekly winner of the Official The Movies Contest has been announced!

Suicidal : Duke's Story by Ben Martin has been selected by a panel of judges as the fifth week’s best entry – and the lucky winner of a personalized director’s chair. In addition, the winning movie is currently being showcased on the contest microsite. To view this masterpiece and 5 other honorable mentions, please visit:

The contest is now closed! Thank you to all who entered and contributed to the success of the contest. Please stay tuned as final weekly winner and the two grand prize winners (Best Original Movie and Best Use of Stunts or Effects) will be announced on Tuesday 22nd August.

?> Mon August 14, 2006 Forum Update is taking place... by Ozman69

If you go the 8EB forums, you may notice some weird things. Be patient, I am working on a few upgrades to the forum and that explains it. They should be sorted out soon enough.


?> Fri August 04, 2006 3rd Winner in the Official TM Contest... by Ozman69

The third weekly winner of the Official The Movies Contest has been announced!

“Brilliant stunts and effects in this masterpiece. Over 150 scenes, Custom Overlays, Custom Props, Custom Music, VO and Custom Sound Effects. Enjoy!”

Oh It's On 3: Ouichi Genshi Basutaa Alpha by Jason Burt-D'Arcy has been selected by a panel of judges as the third week’s best entry – and the lucky winner of a personalised director’s chair. In addition, the winning movie is currently being showcased on the contest microsite. To view this masterpiece and 5 other honourable mentions, please visit:

Do you think you have what it takes? The contest is open until 11th August, so make sure to enter your movies for a chance to win 3 additional weekly and 2 grand prizes – and of course, bragging rights!


?> Wed August 02, 2006 Got a poster on TMO? It's here too. by Ozman69

When you spend 1000VC on TMO to have your movie poster displayed for one week on their front page, it will also be in the rotation here on 8EB. You don't have to do a thing as it is 100% automatic. So, it's twice the bang for your buck...or VC!

This is just one more way we are trying to help you advertise your movie and get some more reviews.


?> Sun July 23, 2006 The 8 Eyed Baby Speaks... by Ozman69

I have just released the first 8EB newsletter entitled "The 8 Eyed Baby Speaks" that covers recent events and changes at the site. You can access it by clicking here!


?> Mon July 17, 2006 Add your movie to the mod you've used... by Ozman69

If you've used a mod from 8 Eyed Baby, you can now add a link to your movie featuring that mod on the very same page you downloaded it from. This will allow the modder to know that their mod has been used and you get some extra advertising for your movie!

All you have to do is type in your movie name and the TMO number for your movie. Example: (Movie Title = The Lottery Movie ID = 27630).

Just one more example of 8 Eyed Baby trying to help you out with getting your movies watched!

More additions to the site are in the works. I hope you enjoy them.


?> Thu July 13, 2006 Verification complete...for now... by Ozman69

It was a long task, but all files on the site as of this moment have been verified. As always, virus scan anything you download from the internet, regardless of what anyone says.


?> Thu July 13, 2006 Get your own 8EB Toolbar... by Ozman69

As a gift to everyone for supporting the site and pushing us over the 100,000 download mark, I present to you the Official 8 Eyed Baby Toolbar.

With this toolbar you can visit the site with a click of a button, e-mail me directly, go straight to the 8EB forums, get instant updates of new mods uploaded to the site, browse the different categories of mods with a handy pull down menu, search the database for the mods you want, and even chat with other toolbar users. And this is just the beginning as new features will be added in the future.

I really hope you enjoy this tool and that it makes your time on the site even better.


?> Wed July 12, 2006 100,000 downloads... and then some... by Ozman69

Well, the site has now had over 100,000 downloads and I would like to thank everyone who has supported the site. I never imagined that the site would be this popular, but I'm glad it has been. Expect some news about coming features very soon.


?> Sat July 08, 2006 You can now upload to the makeup category by Ozman69

I didn't realize that there wasn't a "Makeup" category to choose from when uploading (although there is a button for it), but it is available now. All old makeup mods have been moved to their new category.


?> Fri July 07, 2006 Testing is finished by Ozman69

Well, the testing is finished and the site has undergone another makeover. You may notice that some of the buttons have been moved and we have a new button called Overlay/Floortile. This is the new area for all S&E overlays, floor-tiles, and scrolling backdrops. All old mods have been moved to their appropriate categories.

Modders can now upload their mods to these six new S&E categories: S&E Prop, S&E Costume, S&E Set, S&E Scrolling Backdrop, S&E Overlay, and S&E Floortile. And you can also sort on these new categories as well.

Also, in response to a request by msaeluk, we have added some things to each of the mod pages. So, now when you go to a mods individual page, you can click on the modders name to display all of their mods and you can click on a studio button to go to that modders studio page.

I hope you enjoy the new functions that the site has. If you ever have suggestions, feel free to post them on the 8EB forums.


?> Fri July 07, 2006 Testing is in progress by Ozman69

You may notice some weird uploads, buttons changing, etc. This is because I am in the process of testing out some new functionalities for the site. So, if you see a mod called Test, just ignore it, it's only me. Things will return to normal soon. Well, better than normal.


?> Tue July 04, 2006 Happy 4th of July... by Ozman69

Happy 4th of July to all my fellow Americans. Don't go blowing your fingers off.


?> Fri June 23, 2006 8 Eyed Baby Contest Has Started by Ozman69

If you are a UK resident and want a free copy of Stunts and Effects, all you need to do is write the most imaginative story you can about the 8 Eyed Baby. The three best stories will win. Details can be found by clicking on the contest banner above.

The contest will run from June 23, 2006 until July 14, 2006. Good luck to all who enter.


?> Wed June 21, 2006 One Contest....Two Contest.....Three Copies of S&E by Ozman69

That's right, there are two contests coming soon. One is an Official TM contest with some great prizes up for grabs. For more information click the banner up above. The other contest is one for the folks in the UK where 3 copies of Stunts & Effects are going to be given away. That contest will be hosted here on 8 Eyed Baby and details for it can be found by clicking the banner above as well.

I haven't seen any other site (not even TMO) mention this new official contest, so this may be the first you are hearing about it as well.

The plans for the 8EB contest are still being worked on, but it is sure to make at least 3 people very happy. Check back often for more details on both contests.


?> Sat June 17, 2006 Hot Picks are here... by Ozman69

The 8 Eyed Baby Hot Picks section is up and running. We received 14 submissions for Hot Picks and hard the difficult task of weeding it down to six. The top four winners will be submitted to Lionhead as the 8 Eyed Baby Hot Pick winners. If there is a tie and we are unable to determine the top four winners, the remaining clear winners will be submitted. If you would like to have your movie in the running for next weeks hot picks, post them on the 8EB forums.

Also, you will see a very short promo for Ozcast that autoplays when you load the site. This new feature will be up and running soon.


?> Tue June 13, 2006 Search for your mods by Ozman69

In another attempt to make the site easier for you to find what you are looking for, we have added a search engine to the site located on the left, just above the recent mods section. I hope you will find it useful when you are looking for that perfect mod.


?> Mon June 12, 2006 Hot Picks are a comin'... by Ozman69

That's right, 8 Eyed Baby is accepting nominations for our soon to be released Hot Picks section. Details can be found here.

This is just another great opportunity for you to get some advertising for your movie. So, take advantage of it!

I really think you will like the new Hot Picks section and it will be revealed very soon.

So, if you've seen a movie that deserves to be nominated or you've made a movie that deserves more attention, submit it!


?> Mon June 12, 2006 Requested and delivered. by Ozman69

It was recently suggested that the sites new design made it more difficult to find mods by certain modders. The old site had all of the mods broken into categories and then broken down by modder. I guess some had gotten used to this, so we took your concerns into account and have added a "Display All Modders" button. This is just a temporary link until I can work it into the site design better.

If you click on this new link, you will have a list of every single person that has signed up for a modder account on 8EB. Their avatar, user name, date they created their account and number of mods submitted can be found on this page. It is sorted by the date of account creation. Clicking on their avatar or name will take you directly to a page featuring only their mods.

I hope that this new addition to the site will make it easier to navigate and find the mods you want. Again, special thanks to Corinthian for being the man with the PHP skills and his continued support of the site.

We also hope to have a calendar page with clickable dates at some point in the future. This will take some time to code and we have other projects that we are working on for the site, so it will take some time.

Should I say it again? Yeah, why not. The 8 Eyed Baby Evolution continues...


?> Sat June 10, 2006 Huge sound update... by Ozman69

Today we had a massive sound update on the site. Worryman offered up 35 music loops and I searched the internet for free sound effects. I was able to find over 60 and I'm going to keep looking. They are all available for download and should add a little something extra to your movie.

A very special thank you go out to those who have made monetary donatations to the site. Sherwinliu was generous enough to donate money to support the upkeep of the site and it is much appreciated. Then I woke this morning to find that Trashman had made such an extremely generous donation, I nearly fell out of my chair. Both of your donations (as well as an anonymous one about a month ago) will ensure that the site not only stays up, but will also continue to improve in the future. No words can express how grateful I am to you.

The 8 Eyed Baby Evolution will continue...


?> Sat June 10, 2006 Add your poster... by Ozman69

8 Eyed Baby has had another small makeover. We did a bit of shuffling with the news and recent mods to accomidate the new movie posters on the right side of the site. So, along with the two rotating ad banners at the top and bottom of the main page, there are now five slots available for your movie posters. Site supporters get priority over the movie poster slots and will have their choice of having a movie banner or poster displayed on the site for one month. All others are subject to availability.

Details can be found here. I have other new features coming soon, so stay tuned.


?> Thu June 08, 2006 Modder accounts being created by Ozman69

For those modders that I moved mods from the old site to the new one, I am in the process of creating your accounts if you haven't already done so. You should receive two e-mails. The first is describing the new site layout and how to log into your account. The second is stating that your account has been created and you may now log in. I hope you enjoy the new site and I look forward to your future mod submissions. Oz

?> Thu June 08, 2006 Just got S&E a few hours ago by Ozman69

Well, I must say, I am highly impressed. I think I'm going to have to spend a lot of time relearning the game before I release anything that features S&E content. A little annoyed that the blue screens floor is a slider and not like the selectable backdrops. Here's hoping someone figures out how to mod for this. I just think it might be a bit annoying to change since it is a slider. I'll be writing a full editorial piece on why thoughts of S&E for The Local Kook soon, so be sure to check it out. Oz

?> Tue June 06, 2006 S&E Exclusive Mods Info by Ozman69

As S&E starts to make it's way around the world, I request that any modders that are itching to release some new S&E exclusive mods, please identify your S&E mods. What I mean by this is, for the time being, please put S&E: in front of your mods name that will only work with S&E. So, if I make a blue screen backdrop, I would upload it to backdrops and put it's name as: S&E: Bunny Field. This way, until the new S&E part of the site is released, there will be an easy way to identify which mods go with which version of the game. Oz

?> Sun June 04, 2006 New stuff--Old Stuff by Ozman69

As you can see, I've added another rotating banner for movie ad's at the top of the site. Details can be found by clicking here. Corinthian and I are cooking up some more really cool features and other things for the community. If all goes as planned, I think you'll be happy.

Well, that's the new so far, here's some old.

The three most misspelled words on TMO

Allowed: Often written as aloud. Example: "Are we aloud to use this music?" My answer: "Only if it's allowed enough."

Know: Often written as no. Example: "Does anyone no if we can do this?" My answer: "Know, you can't!"

You're: Often written as your. Example: "Your a jerk!" My answer: "Huh?"

That's it for tonight, I think. More modders joined today, more mods uploaded. The site just keeps getting better and better and that is thanks to all of you.


?> Sun June 04, 2006 Modders note--uploads over 8mbs by Ozman69

I still haven't worked out the issue with uploading files over 8mb in size, so if you have a mod that is over 8mb, then contact me via private message on the 8EB forums and I can manually add your mod to the site until this is resolved. Oz

?> Sat June 03, 2006 Help with opening mods by Ozman69

If you download mods from this site, they will be in 3 possible file types. There is zip and rar, which are both compressed files and will need a decompression tool to extract their contents. You can use Winzip for zip files or Winrar for rar files, but I would highly recommend you use 7zip for both. It is free (the others aren't) and will work for both types of files. The other type of download is ogg, which is music or sound effects and they can be put straight into the appropriate directory. Oz

?> Sat June 03, 2006 Some modding news by Ozman69

Well, we now have 35 TMO members signed up with modder accounts. We still have a number of those members with the incorrect studio names in their accounts. The studio names need to match your real TMO name exactly, otherwise your studio link on your mods won't work.

Also, I have created a forum called, "Removed Mods" and it will have a listing of any mods removed from the site. These could include: inappropriate images/sounds, copyrighted images/sounds, mods that don't work, etc.

If you have a modder account and notice that one of your mods isn't on the site, visit that forum and see what the reason is.


?> Fri June 02, 2006 Mod transfer complete by Ozman69

As of this morning, all mods from the old layout and those submitted in between the switch have been uploaded to the site. If you have submitted mods in the past, take a look at the site to see if I've missed one of yours. If I have, contact me on the forums and I'll add it in. Or if you still have the files, you can upload it yourself.

Here are some quick numbers on mods available:

Props available for download = 49

Costumes/Makeups available for download = 87

Sets available for download = 87

Music/SFX available for download = 36

Total mods available for download = 259

Total mods downloaded so far = 56,859

More news coming soon.


?> Fri June 02, 2006 Mods, Mods, and more Mods by Ozman69

Well, today was a busy day. I nearly kept my word about getting all of the old mods uploaded again, but then I searched my drive and found another 9 mods remaining. Sixty four mods were added to the site today and that pushed us over the 250 mark as far as mods go.

I've added some links to the bottom of each page featuring some commonly used tools for modding and movie making, all of which are free. Included are:

7zip--a program used for opening winzip and winrar files
Audacity--the prefered program to make your VO's
Blender--a great program for creating custom props
Gimp--a fine program for graphics editing
MED--THE program for getting started modding

Tomorrow I will have all of the remaining mods uploaded and who knows, I might even be able to start making a few new ones. I also expect to have the next issue of Storm Weekly posted tomorrow evening.

Until then, keep those mods coming in.


?> Thu June 01, 2006 New features and old mods by Ozman69

As you can see, we've added a scrolling marquee along the top of the main page. It features clickable links to the last ten modders to upload to the site, the top ten downloaded mods along with their number of downloads, total number of mods on the site and total number of downloads from the site since it's initial launch two months ago.

Also, I added a scroll bar on this news section to accomidate the lenghty news updates that I'm making right now.

I got nearly all of the old mods uploaded again today. I still have a few sets, props, music and around 30 costumes that need to be uploaded. These WILL be finished tomorrow.

We've had over 30 new mods uploaded to the site since the switch. We now have 25 modders with accounts on the site and I expect more to sign up soon. A reminder to all modders, please ensure that your studio name matches your TMO studio name exactly, otherwise your studio link will not work. Some people are putting in their unofficial studio names and you will miss out on any views that your link would have generated.

Expect more features on the site in the future. If you are interested in reading about some of them or making suggestions, check out the "How will the new site work" thread on the forums for more details.


?> Mon May 29, 2006 Great googa-mooga! by Ozman69

Welcome to the new and improved 8 Eyed! As you can see the site has taken on a completely new look and is a lot more user friendly. Not all the kinks are worked out, but the site is about 99% finished. There is currently a restriction on file size uploads set at around 8mbs. This will be bumped up as soon as my website host gets around to fixing it. Also, if you are using Internet Explorer, you are the cause for many headaches. :-)

The site worked perfectly and would have been launched much sooner had IE not raised it's ugly head from the pit it was spawned from and started messing up all of our hard work. I highly recommend that you switch to Firefox.

If you have submitted mods in the past, you may notice some of your mods already exist on the site. They are linked to your username, but no other details about you exist. You will need to register a modders account by clicking on "Submit Your Mods" at the top and registering under that user name. I will give all "old" modders a two week period to register and add their information. If, after that time period, they have not registered, I will create a generic account tied to the e-mail that they provided in the past. If they choose to register after that date, all they need do is click "Forgot Password" under the "Submit Your Mods" menu and a new password will be forwarded to their e-mail so that they may change their details.

Also, not all old mods have been uploaded at this time. I am still in the process of accomplishing that task, so be patient, they will be up as soon as possible.

If you haven't read about all the new featues and feel lost, don't worry, there is help if you go here.

And a very special thank you to Corinthian. Without his help, this never would have been possible.

Well, I hope you enjoy the new look and features. This is only the beginning. Another fansite creator recently said their site was, "Quality over quantity." Well, I believe both go hand in hand when it comes to providing a good resource for this community and I think YOU, the community, has made this site such a place.

This is your site, so make it what you will.

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