P A G E 6

JULY 2006

How Did My Movie/Poster Get on 8EB?


I've received dozens of PM's from members of TMO that all start out the same way, "I'm not complaining but...". And that is always followed by, "how did my movie/poster get on 8EB?". Well, the short answer is, I put them there.


We all know it can be a real pain to get your movie noticed sometimes. I took this into consideration when redesigning the site. I wanted to be able to offer people the chance to get a little extra exposure. This was my way of helping get the word out about your movies.

When & Where?

About once every week or two, I look at every single poster that is available on the front page of TMO. Of the hundred or so posters, I pick out 30 that show some real effort has been put into them. I've often noticed that if someone puts the effort into a poster, chances are that they put some real effort into their movie.

Once I've made my picks, I upload these to the front page of 8EB, in hopes that a visitor will be as impressed with the poster as I was and that they will click it and watch that movie.


The site has five poster slots available. The top two slots are reserved for site donaters. A site donater is someone who has contributed money to help with the upkeep of the site. It is only fair that those who help out in that way get a little more exposure.

The other three slots are used for those 30 posters I have picked from TMO.

Each of these slots contains ten posters. Every time you visit the site, a random poster will appear in each slot. And each of the five slots is linked to that specific movie.

What about the movie?

When you go to 8EB, you may notice that a movie will autostart in the 8EB Hot Picker video screen. This movie is added, in much the same way as the posters are.

I look for a movie that shows real potential (often a trailer). This movie slot is rotated out about once a week as well.

Could mine be there?

If you've made a great poster on TMO, don't be surprised if next time you visit 8EB, if it's on display for all of the visitors to see.

Edit Your Mods ___________________ (continued from page 5)

edit and that mods editable information will appear.

What's Editable?

From here you can edit three things. You can change the mods name and you can edit the mod's description. This is in case you misspelled the name you wanted to use or you needed to make a change to the description. The description field is limited to 255 characters and another new piece of code will stop you from typing anything longer in this box to prevent your description from being cut off in mid-sentence.

The third thing you can do from here is delete the mod. This feature should be used if you realize you're uploaded mod isn't complete or not working. As you can see, there is no option for changing your mods category or editing it's thumbnail image. This is due in part to prevent corruption to the database that stores all of the uploaded mods. To change a mods category or thumbnail, you will need to delete it and re upload it as the correct type of mod or with the updated image.

If your mod has been on the site for a long time and you realize it should be in a different category or you want a different thumbnail, but you don't want to lose the number of downloads, your rating, or the movies linked to it, don't delete it. You can contact 8EB and they will be manually edited so that your stats are kept intact. No sense losing all that information just to switch the category or change the thumbnail.

Anything else?

No, that's pretty much it. I hope you find these new features useful when you are uploading your mods. We've tried to include everything we can think of to make your visit as user friendly as possible.

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